Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011



At Harvard, Zuckerberg was also a member of Alpha Epsilon Pi, a Jewish college fraternity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Zuckerberg.

Lebih jauh tentang sosok ini bisa baca di sini http://www.tentangrifai.com/2008/08/mark-zuckerberg-menjadi-triliuner-muda-berkat-situs-internet-facebook/

Dan apakah Alpha Epsilon Pi itu?

Alpha Epsilon Pi, the Jewish Fraternity of North America, was founded to provide opportunities for a Jewish man seeking the best possible college and fraternity experience. We have maintained the integrity of our purpose by strengthening our ties to the Jewish community and serving as a link between high school and career. Alpha Epsilon Pi develops leadership for the North American Jewish community at a critical time in a young man’s life.



Dan hubungannya dengan Zuckerberg?

Bisa dilihat di situs ini http://www.aepi.org/site/pp.asp?c=geJQIUOwErH&b=2117027 bahwa Zuckerberg adalah salah satu alumninya (tentu alumni yang berpengaruh di sana).

Lebih jauh lagi beberapa artikel keterkaitan antara facebook dengan gerakan zionis internasional:

Since Facebook is Jewish owned and operated, Peres says it is an ideal tool to silence criticism of Israel, and to spread holo-hoax propaganda. http://www.wakeupfromyourslumber.com/node/5510

Seperti juga Google, Facebook memiliki andil besar dalam memanfaatkan teknologi untuk kepentingan dunia Israel. Seperti yang dimuar di situs ini http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/970667.html

Co-founder of internet giant Google, Sergey Brin, will join Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, and Yahoo president Susan Decker at a presidential panel on technology to be held at the Jerusalem International Convention Center May 13-15.

The convention, which was formed at the initiative of President Shimon Peres, will also be attended by a number of Israeli political, religious and financial leaders, as well as academics and cultural figures.


http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/973445.html (di situ tertera juga nama Abdurrahman Wahid, nah loooh)

Dan inilah yang menegaskan kembali bahwa Facebook adalah penyokong Israel baik dalam segi pendanaan maupun dalam segi teknologi. http://www.mediapost.com/publications/?fa=Articles.showArticleHomePage&art_aid=97567

Leyden, which owns the Israel News Agency, said his Facebook page pledges support for brave men and women in the Israel Defense Forces who by air, water and ground protect Israel’s democracy and sovereign borders. The site’s friend count quickly climbed from 3,232 members on Dec. 28 at 9 P.M. EST to nearly 17,000 members on midday on Dec. 30. A link to a video on Google’s YouTube also provides insight as to why the Israel Defense Forces confront Islamic terrorists in Gaza.

It’s not “hasbara,” which means “to explain or PR spin,” Leyden said. “It’s about using social media and SEO to get the facts out. Israel lacks professional manpower and the budget. We put the money into weapons to defend ourselves, but public opinion has an influence on many lives.”

PARAHNYA Facebook juga bertanggungjawab atas isu-isu pro Israel dan anti Islam:


While JIDF believes that “Jew hatred and promotion of Islamic terrorism” remains on Facebook, it seems that supporters of Palestine and Gaza are finding their content censored as well. Rebelliousgirl expressed on Twitter that Facebook has prevented her from using hashtags: (see the pict at that site pelase)

Dan beginilah cara menghapus account Facebook Anda, oiya jangan lupa menyebarkan artikel di atas (kirim artikel ini ke teman-teman Anda di FB,atau di media manapun yang Anda miliki) agar banyak orang mengikuti jejak anda. Kalau bukan Anda yang member contoh, lalu siapa lagi?

Menghapus Akun Facebook


1. Buka akun Anda di facebook, login.

2. Klik setting di kanan atas jendela Facebook dan pilih Account Setting

3. Kemudian muncul jendela baru dan pilih Deactivate Account-deactivate

4. Pilih salah satu alasan Anda mengapa Anda menghapus akun tersebut

5. Isilah halaman tersebut dan masukkan sekuriti kodenya

6. Kalau Anda sudah menemukan pesan ini “Your facebook account has been deactivated” dari tim facebook maka akun anda BERHASIL di hapus.

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